Sunday, August 12, 2007

Summer at Last!

Seems that summer is finally here. Today's post is simply lots and lots of garden shots, rounded off with a lovely christening that we just got back from. When the weather's this good it's a shame to be inside!
The first pictures are from Wednesday after I mowed the lawn.

These pictures are from Friday, the day before the night of screaming!

Here's Emma discovering the joys of peek-a-boo with drying towels.

And here she is helping mum peg out more laundry.

After keeping Mummy awake all night crying and not wanting to go back to sleep, here she is asking breakfast daddy to read her "The Great Goat Chase" on Saturday morning. Thanks to Rob & Leila for taking her so Helen could get a lie in.

We got out the paddling pool on Saturday afternoon. Emma had fun splashing with her hands, but wasn't too keen on getting in the pool.

Today, Sunday we went along to the Catholic church in Clevedon, St. John's to see Kelly and Isabella get christened. It was a lovely occasion with about six children in all. They all behaved well - no crying at all. Emma posed in a ray of light to appear very angelic. Another fingerprint on the camera lens served to give her a halo!

We were invited to Kelly and Ben's house afterwards for a party. Isabella had a special christening cake made. Sandrine, Casey and Jeff were there too, our friends we met at antenatal.

We stopped off at Lidl on the way home. Emma found a den in the kitchen roll section.

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